If you’re in the market for a beach house or are planning to build your own, you’ll need to know the best type of roof it needs. The climate of your area changes the type of roofing your house should have. Your beach house might need different materials than your residential roofing. 

Our team at Bonita Springs Roofing Pros won’t just tell you what works; we want to show you all of the options and let you choose. We’ll give you the pros and cons of each type that works on coastal homes. We can work together to find you the best roofing material to fit your budget. 

Keep reading to find the best type of roof you’ll need for your beach house.

roofs for beach houses

Why Do Coastal Roofs Need Special Consideration?

Coastal houses have to withstand coastal weather, meaning saltwater, sun, humidity, and sand. Your roof gets hit the most, so it should be designed with that in mind. In some coastal areas that experience hurricanes and tropical storms, shingles can be blown right off. In others, the saltwater can erode certain metal roofing materials.

What Are The Different Roofing Types?

There are many roofing types on the market that work for coastal homes. Materials that are used in California won’t necessarily be Florida’s best type of roof for a beach house, and vice versa. We’ll cover the most popular options for your area, so you can choose what works best for you. If you have any questions after reading through these options, please give us a call. We’re here to help.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofs come in two different types of panels: standing seam and v-crimp. Standing seam materials are normally 20% more expensive, but both are watertight and durable. Metal roofs are excellent choices because they won’t need extensive roof repairs. There are several options of metal, including aluminum, galvanized steel, and stone-coated steel.


Aluminum is light, easy to maintain, and can last up to 50 years or more. It’s sturdy, though not as sturdy as galvanized steel. Aluminum also reflects light, which emits heat, so you can save on cooling and heating costs. All in all, this type of metal does very well in a coastal setting.

roofs for beach houses made of aluminum

Galvanized Steel

Galvanized steel roofs are zinc-coated alloyed steel and last 60 to 70 years. The zinc coating protects it from rain and rust and needs reapplication every 20 years. The water rolls right off of it and keeps the attic cool by reflecting sunlight. It’s long-lasting, energy-efficient, and perfect for coastal homes. 

Galvanized steel roofing material comes in several different colors and styles, giving you options. However, scratches to the protective finish can lead to corrosion and discoloration. Something to keep in mind is that most roof manufacturers of galvanized steel won’t warranty roofs within a mile of the ocean.

Stone-Coated Steel

Stone-coated steel roofing lasts from 40 to 70 years when installed correctly. The sheets are coated with rust-proof sealant, then coated in a thick layer of stone. They look like traditional shingles but have the strength and durability of metal roofing.

Cedar Shake Roofs

Cedar shakes are not as common as other roofing styles, but they are classically beautiful. If properly installed and maintained, they can last up to 40 years. Since they are wood, they are susceptible to rot, mold, and mildew unless maintained. Properly sealing and protecting them before installation is the key to ensuring their longevity.

Asphalt Shingle Roofs

Asphalt shingles are resilient and tough, as well as the most affordable choice. They can last up to 30 years if the climate isn’t too hard on them. In extreme weather, such as tropical storms, asphalt is more likely to break down quickly. High winds can loosen granules, and individual shingles can curl up in constant moisture. 

Without periodic shade, the sun can bake your shingles and cause them to crack. Luckily, you can have a UV sealant applied to help extend their lifespan. The sealant will reflect the rays of sunlight constantly beating down on your roof. This will also help keep your beach home cooler.

Clay Tile Roofing

The clay tile roof system can last up to 100 years when installed correctly. They are energy efficient because air gets trapped between each tile. This keeps your home cooler in the summer heat and warmer in winter. Clay tiles are also fire resistant and absorb less water than other types of roofing.

roofs for beach houses with clay tile

Copper Roofing

Although copper roofing is expensive, it is the most long-lasting and durable roof material. They can last centuries, naturally resist corrosion, and their lightweight doesn’t compromise your structure. When copper is exposed to moisture, it forms a patina that protects it from corrosion. 

The one negative aspect of copper roofing is that it is a soft material. This means that it can dent easily or scratch in a heavy storm. If this will bother you, copper should not be your coastal roofing choice.

How Does Climate Affect the Type of Roofing I Should Use?

Which climate your beach house is in affects the roofing material you should buy. If you’re in the tropical Florida climate, you may experience winds up to 156 mph. The most affordable option is shingles. They can protect your home up to 130 mph. Some metal roofing can resist up to 140 mph, but they are expensive. 

If you want a different look than shingles, you can always go with metal or clay tiles. They are more expensive, but they are also more durable. The extra price means you don’t have to replace them as often as regular shingles. This could mean less money in the long run.

How Do I Know Which Works Best?

Drive around the neighborhood of your beach house and look at other homes in the area. Look at the pitch of the roof in comparison to yours. You can see how the roof works with or against the look of the houses. You can also see how the different roofs seem to be holding up. 

If there is an abundance of asphalt shingled houses, take a look. If your beach house has shade at times, look at similar properties. If you don’t see any issues that would worry you, then go with asphalt. It’s a fraction of the cost of other roofing. 

If you like the metal or clay tile roofing, look at similar houses. Do the metal roofs look good with the type of house they’re on? Are they similar to yours? Is there anything you don’t like about their look?

Do you want to deal with replacing or maintaining your asphalt shingles? Or do you want to have metal installed and be done with it? These are all questions that will help you decide which type of roofing you want. 

Roofs are made to last, so you can’t go wrong with any of the options. What it comes down to is cost, aesthetics, and practicality. Do you want a less common roof style with extra durability for more cost? Or is basic cost-effective with a little more maintenance more your style?

We’re Here to Help

If there are too many options to choose from, give us a call. We’ll give you a free quote to help you decide what works best. No matter which roofing material you choose, Bonita Springs Roofing Pros can install it correctly, leaving you worry-free.