Residential Roof Repair Bonita Springs

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Don’t be the homeowner that puts off necessary roof repairs. Chances are, it’s going to end up costing you much more in the future. Plus, it may lead to extensive structural damage caused by rotted support beams, rotted ceilings, and extensive water leakage. Our job is to make you feel comfortable about your investment and protect the place that you call home. 

We provide you with all of the information necessary and will give you an honest evaluation of what your roof will need to perform at top capacity. Either your roof is going to protect against leaks, or it’s not. We don’t really see any in-between. If you do not want to replace your roof, we offer many options to help your roof maintain its structural integrity. We offer re-roofing, roofing repair, and new roof construction for all of our clients in Bonita Springs and the surrounding areas. 

By far, the roof is one of the most important parts of the home. It protects you and your family from inclement weather; in addition to this, a quality roof makes your home look great. Don’t let your roof fall into a state of disrepair before you act on it.

How Long To Install a New Roof?

As far as the length of time for the installation process, it varies depending on the type of job that is being performed. For a new layer of shingles or some re-roofing, a few days of work is to be expected. However, if an entire roof is being replaced, that consists of roof teardown and the construction of a completely new roof. This process can take a number of weeks. For an estimate on time, it is always best to talk to the roofing contractor who will be performing the roof construction or re-roofing process. 

How long do you really have to wait to install a new roof? Many expertly installed roofs can last upwards of 20 years, especially if the materials used are extremely hard-wearing and durable. Paying for small patches or doing repairs yourself may only delay the inevitable – which may include a major break in the roof during a tropical storm. 

To avoid this, always ask the previous homeowner about the specifics of the roof. What were the materials used? Was there a projected life expectancy? Has there been any major damage to the roof? This information can help us decide whether you need a re-roofing job or a major roof replacement.

What To Do When A Roof is Going Through Repairs

When a roof is going through extensive repair, we recommend a few things to our clients. If a completely new roof is going on the structure, the job will take a number of weeks. During that time, it will certainly be noisy inside the home due to men working on top of the building. These are the tips we give our clients when we are performing extensive work on a roof: 

  1. Talk to your neighbors and let them know that your roof will be going through some major construction over the next few days/weeks. 
  2. Always be aware of your surroundings. We do our best to make the area as safe as possible, always watch out for extension cords and other equipment that may be lying outside.
  3. If any trees need to be trimmed prior to the installation of the roof, a tree trimming service should be called to ensure a safe working area. Cutting the grass will also help workers more effectively find roofing debris. 
  4. Move any grills or patio furniture inside, or under awnings. Lots of dust and old debris may float off the roof during construction, and no one wants dusty pool chairs. 
  5. Sometimes it is a good idea to cover items in an attic if you have an older building, as dust or small debris may begin to cover items that are in the area. Always be prepared to do some light vacuuming. While roofing contractors do their best to clean up dust, inevitably there may be some left over. 
  6. Relocate your vehicles, or always make sure that the vehicle is in the garage and that the garage door is closed. 
  7. If you work from home, or have small children, an extended stay hotel may be appropriate for a few days. 

If you’re unsure of what to expect when a roof is going through repairs, always ask your contractor if you are unsure of the answer. When it comes to roofing, we believe that there are no stupid questions! 


Superior Roofs

Call us for a no-obligation quote. From there, we’ll offer the best options based on your budget, our recommendations, and your design preferences. See why we’re a trusted name in roofing today!


Call at (239) 314-3779