
Commonly Asked Roofing Questions – Bonita Springs Roofing Pros


Frequently Asked Questions

Since there are so many questions that we get asked over and over again, we figured that it would be helpful to compile a list of the most frequently asked questions for our clients and future clients! Here, you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions as it relates to roofing services and roofs in general.

How long have you been in business?2020-01-29T17:35:19+00:00

We have been in the roofing business for over two decades, proudly servicing homes throughout the South Florida area.

Can’t you just re-roof over my existing shingles?2020-01-29T17:35:02+00:00

This is usually not advisable. Remember, shingles must be laid incredibly flat to be effective. Old shingles that are curled, lifted, or damaged may make a re-roof inadvisable. In addition to this, every 50 square feet of quality shingles can add 180 to 225 pounds of weight to a roof. A second re-roof may go over the weight limit of the rafters and void certain warranties on products. A tear-off allows us to inspect the decking and foundation of the roof, which may or may not be damaged. An inadvisable re-roof can lower your home evaluation by thousands of dollars when a realtor is advised by a home inspector’s report.

Can’t I just replace the roof myself? Do I really need a roofing contractor?2020-01-29T17:34:39+00:00

We get it. A Better Business Bureau report stated that 73% of homeowners checked the box that home repair and improvement contractors could not be trusted. We understand that and defend our worth with no defensiveness. If you work on a roof yourself, you may void a manufacturer’s warranty and find it difficult to find a contractor who would be willing to take over the work (in fact, in some locations, it might not even be legal in your jurisdiction).

Ranging on the serious side of things, there is a very real danger that the entire roof could collapse if a DIYer tries to replace the entire roof. On the less dangerous side of things, they may nail flashing a few inches off. Even the most innocuous mistake on a roof can result in a compromised area. Even if the area is only 2 inches by 2 inches, that is more than enough to create a sizable hole in the roof – which can result in thousands of dollars in damages to the interior of the home.

How much is my roof going to cost?2020-01-29T17:34:13+00:00

This is a question that has a thousand different answers – because there are a thousand different variables to account for. The square footage of the house, the type of roofing material used, the number of labor hours, and the extent of damage to the roof all must be taken into consideration. Depending on the square footage and materials used, a brand new roof could cost anywhere frm $5,000-$25,000. Generally, large commercial jobs are on the higher end of those numbers. The best thing to do is to call us for a no-obligation quote. 

My roof is discolored. What gives?2020-01-29T17:33:50+00:00

Most of the United States falls into a humid climate, and the state of Florida is no different. Damp and humid conditions foster bacteria. This bacteria will form into spores and subsequent growths such as algae, fungus, and mold. While you can purchase commercial cleaning products to clean your roof, working on the roof of your home or business can be dangerous if you do not have the right safety equipment. If you’re hesitant about doing the job yourself, call the experts at Bonita Springs Roofing Pros.

How long does it take to replace my roof? How about repairs?2020-01-29T17:33:30+00:00

This depends on a few factors. If the asphalt roof on your residential property is relatively small, we’ve been known to replace these roofs in as little as 1-3 days. Specialized roofing – such as hurricane-proof metal – will take a much longer time. The same can be said for large residential homes and commercial buildings, as the equipment needed (such as skylifts and/or cranes) will add time to the job.

I have a roof leak and my ceiling has water stains! Do I need to replace my whole roof?2020-01-29T17:33:13+00:00

Sounds like your last roof provider should have set you up with regular roof maintenance. In any case, we’d have to come out and see the extent of the damage, as we wouldn’t be able to tell you over the phone. If there is extensive damage to the roof due to a hurricane, a whole roof replacement may be necessary. If there are just a few leaks, re-roofing or patch work may do the trick.

What is the best type of roof for Florida?2020-01-29T17:32:32+00:00

So this answer really comes down to your budget and your style preferences. The most affordable option that still offers excellent protection against extreme weather would have to be shingles. Many of the high-end shingle options (made out of asphalt) can protect against winds of up to 130 mph. Certain types of hurricane-rated metal roofing systems are rated for category 4 hurricanes, which range from 130 to 156 mph. However, some of the high-end metal roofing systems that protect against 140 mph winds can be cost prohibitive.

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Superior Roofs

Call us for a no-obligation quote. From there, we’ll offer the best options based on your budget, our recommendations, and your design preferences. See why we’re a trusted name in roofing today!


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