
Our Roofing Blog


Roofing Knowledge and Wisdom

The more you know, the better. This concept applies to most things of the educational variety – and especially to roofing. We aim to educate our clients on the latest in roofing tips, tricks, and knowledge to help them be smarter consumers. The roofing industry is always inventing new materials and techniques to work with, and we do our utmost to stay ahead of the competition. Metal roofing that protects against 140 mph winds, for example, was unheard of 60 years ago. Now, it’s a standard on many industrial buildings and expensive structures.

We also believe in the saying “experience is the best teacher”. We accomplish hundreds of roofing jobs per year and have been doing so for over two decades. Our combined knowledge and wisdom (sometimes learnt the hard way) prove a productive and efficient combination when we need to put our roofing skills to the test. Here, we aim to teach you all the basics of roofing and what to expect when you work with one of our contractors. Ever wonder what the anatomy of a roof is? Which roofing material is the best for hurricanes? How long does a roofing installation generally take? If it’s not answered here, it’ll probably be in our FAQ.

Read on to learn all about roofing – from a contractor’s perspective.

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